JOSHIBI アーティスト・イン・レジデンス
オープンスタジオ -Embodied Echoes-
オープンスタジオ -Embodied Echoes-

国内外で活躍する女性アーティストの滞在創作活動を支援するプログラム「JOSHIBI アーティスト・イン・レジデンス」のオープンスタジオを開催します。10月~12月のプログラムでは、本学の協定校であるウィーン応用芸術大学の卒業生で国内外で広く活躍するリサ・グロスコフと、2023年3月に本学の大学院博士後期課程(洋画)を修了した伊藤夏実の2名のアーティストが公募によって選ばれ、創作活動を行いました。
タイトルの「Embodied Echoes」とは、自らが置かれた環境、関係性への共振、呼応を体現する2人のアーティストの共通点から見出した言葉です。プロセス、表現の異なる2人の新たな取り組み、制作過程を公開いたします。
Open Studio -Embodied Echoes-
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023 - Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Opening hours: 12:00-18:00
Venue: YA Heights Koenji 1st Floor Studio (1-4-2, Koenji Minami, Suginami, Tokyo)
Admission Free
JOSHIBI Artist-in-Residence, a program of Joshibi University of Art and Design that invites female artists active in Japan and abroad and supports their creative activities, will hold an open studio. Two artists, Lisa Grosskopf, a graduate of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, one of the Joshibi’s partner universities, who is extensively active at home and abroad, and Natsumi Ito, who completed her doctoral program in Oil Painting at Joshibi in March, 2023, were selected through an open application process and engaged in creative activities during the program from October to December.
During her residency, Lisa Grosskopf conducted research on Purikura and matchmaking photos, taking a feminist perspective on the notions of gender, beauty standards and family ideals in Japanese context. Natsumi Ito, on the other hand, searched through the vast archives of the university's historical archives for letters and scribbles left behind in notebooks, esquisse books, and letters of the past students, and created three-dimensional works and paintings by repeatedly imitating those handwriting and writing habits.
The title Embodied Echoes is a word found in common between the two artists, who embody resonance and response to the environment and relationships in their own environment. The new approach and production process of the two artists, who are different in process and expression, will be visible at the open studio.
The new approach and production process of the two artists, who are different in process and expression, will be visible in the open studio.
Organized by: Joshibi University of Art and Design
Supported by: Austrian Embassy / Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo

Opening Reception
12月14日(木) 18:30〜20:00
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023, 18:30-20:00
PICK UP ピックアップ
Artist Talk
12月16日(土) 14:00〜15:30
ゲスト:アルノ・ミッタードルファー(オーストリア文化フォーラム東京 所長、オーストリア大使館 参事官)
モデレーター:日沼禎子(女子美術大学教授、JOSHIBI AIRディレクター)
Date: Saturday, December 16, 2023, 14:00-15:30
No reservation required
Speaker: Lisa Großkopf, Natsumi Ito
Guest: Arno Mitterdorfer (Director - Austrian Cultural Forum, Counsellor - Austrian Embassy
Moderater: Teiko Hinuma (Professor - Joshibi University of Art and Design, Director-JOSHIBI AIR)
Japanese-English consecutive interpretation will be provided.
PICK UP ピックアップ
Studio Tour for Students
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 11:00-12:30
No reservation required
The two artists will offer an explanation of their works in the studio to the students taking the course "Introduction to Artist in Residence". Anyone is welcome to attend.