We will hold the two-days talk series inviting two guest speakers, Kaho Ikeda and George Ègor Kraft, to seek a fresh vision of the possibility of the “space”.
ゲスト: 池田佳穂(Given in Japanese)
Guest: Kaho IKEDA
トークテーマ: 「関係性の空間」はいかにして生まれ、創造性を革新するか?
Talk Theme: How does the relational space emerge and innovate creativity?
日時: 10月26日(土) 13:00-14:30(予約不要)
Date: Saturday 26th of October, 13:00-14:30
会場:女子美術大学杉並キャンパス2号館 2414号室(スペース表現領域教室)
Venue: Room 2414, BL.2, Joshibi University of Art and Design Suginami Campus
ゲスト:ジオ・クラフト (女子美術大学外国招聘特別講師)
Guest: George Ègor Kraft
Talk Theme: How are the “contexts” visualized in the world of non-linear narratives?
Date: Sunday 27th of October, 13:00-14:30
英語/日本語通訳あり (Given in English with Japanese interpretation)
会場:女子美術大学杉並キャンパス2号館 2414号室(スペース表現領域教室)
Venue: Room 2414, BL.2, Joshibi University of Art and Design Suginami Campus
Contact :Field of Art and Design for Spatial Experience, Joshibi University of Art and Design